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rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 14(2): 1-14, 20230428.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1443105


Introduction: safety culture attitudes of health workers are still not at the desired level. Although the creation of patient safety culture is important for all health care environments, it is more vital for critical units. Objective: to determine the patient safety culture levels of those working in the operating room environment and compare them with the 2008 results of the same hospitals. Materials and Methods: an analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017-2018. The Turkish version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture was administered to nurses, anesthesia technicians, assistant physicians, and specialist physicians working in the Operating Rooms (n=258) of two university hospitals in Konya, a large city in Anatolian region of Turkey. Results: average percent positive response to the 42 items was low (41%, n=258). While there was no change in one dimension of the questionnaire compared to 2008; there was a positive change in 8 dimensions and a negative change in 3 dimensions. All 12 dimensions were lower than the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality score. Discussion: Despite many studies, policy developments and interventions on patient safety, the improvement of a patient safety culture is very slowly in Turkey as in other countries. Conclusion: non-reporting of errors and a punitive approach in case of errors are still considered the most important problems.

Introducción: las actitudes del personal de salud frente a la cultura de la seguridad siguen sin alcanzar su nivel deseado. Aunque la creación de una cultura de seguridad del paciente es importante en todos los entornos de cuidado, es vital en las unidades de cuidado crítico. Objetivo: determinar los niveles de cultura de seguridad del paciente de quienes trabajan en quirófanos y compararlos con los 2008 resultados de los mismos hospitales. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal analítico entre 2017 y 2018. La versión en turco de la Encuesta Hospitalaria sobre Cultura de Seguridad del Paciente se administró a profesionales de enfermería, anestesistas, médicos auxiliares y médicos especialistas que trabajaban en los quirófanos (n=258) de dos hospitales universitarios de Konya, una ciudad de la región de Anatolia en Turquía. Resultados: El porcentaje medio de respuestas positivas a los 42 ítems fue bajo (41%, n=258). Si bien no hubo cambios en una dimensión del cuestionario en comparación con los 2008 resultados, hubo un cambio positivo en 8 dimensiones y un cambio negativo en 3 dimensiones. Las 12 dimensiones presentaron una puntuación inferior a la de la Agencia para la Investigación y la Calidad del Cuidado de la Salud. Discusión: A pesar de los numerosos estudios, desarrollos en política e intervenciones en materia de seguridad del paciente, la mejora de la cultura de seguridad del paciente es muy lenta en Turquía, al igual que en otros países. Conclusión: No notificar errores y un enfoque punitivo en caso de error siguen considerándose los problemas más importantes.

Introdução: as atitudes de cultura de segurança dos profissionais de saúde ainda não estão no nível desejado. Embora a criação da cultura de segurança do paciente seja importante para todos os ambientes de assistência médica, ela é mais vital para as unidades críticas. Objetivo: determinar os níveis de cultura de segurança do paciente daqueles que trabalham no ambiente da sala de cirurgia e compará-los com os resultados de 2008 dos mesmos hospitais. Materiais e Métodos: um estudo analítico de corte transversal foi realizado em 2017-2018. A versão turca da Pesquisa Hospitalar sobre Cultura de Segurança do Paciente foi aplicada a enfermeiros, técnicos de anestesia, médicos assistentes e médicos especialistas que trabalham nas salas de cirurgia (n=258) de dois hospitais universitários em Konya, uma grande cidade na região da Anatólia, Turquia. Resultados: a porcentagem média de respostas positivas aos 42 itens foi baixa (41%, n=258). Embora não tenha havido alteração em uma dimensão do questionário em comparação com 2008, houve uma alteração positiva em 8 dimensões e uma alteração negativa em 3 dimensões. Todas as 12 dimensões foram inferiores à pontuação da Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Discussão: Apesar de muitos estudos, desenvolvimentos de políticas e intervenções sobre a segurança do paciente, o aprimoramento de uma cultura de segurança do paciente é muito lento na Turquia, assim como em outros países. Conclusão: a não notificação de erros e uma abordagem punitiva em caso de erros ainda são considerados os problemas mais importantes.

Operating Rooms , Health Personnel , Benchmarking , Culture , Patient Safety , Hospitals
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(1): 7-11, mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1434097


Introducción: el NPS (Net Promoter Score) es un indicador que se utiliza en los programas de experiencia del cliente para medir la satisfacción de dicho público objetivo y su lealtad. Nuestra finalidad fue consolidar el NPS por primera vez en una prepaga de un hospital de alta complejidad de Buenos Aires (PS-HIBA) en busca de establecer un indicador objetivo desde la perspectiva del cliente. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional analítico, de corte transversal. Se incluyeron en el estudio los datos obtenidos a partir de las respuestas de los afiliados al PS-HIBA. Resultados: se consolidó el primer indicador NPS del PS-HIBA: 22 puntos. Se visualizaron los tres perfiles de clientes, obteniendo un 45,7% promotores, 22,3% detractores y 32% pasivos o neutros. Complementariamente se identificaron los motivos de dichas calificaciones; las tres principales fueron: la problemática de accesibilidad a los turnos, la atención y los profesionales valorados positivamente. Conclusión: este estudio aporta un indicador objetivo, que facilita un lenguaje común en la organización y una comparación con el mercado desde la mirada del cliente. El NPS, como sistema, busca impulsar la construcción de una cultura centrada en el cliente, con el fin de mejorar su lealtad y permitir una retroalimentación donde se logra tener presente la voz del cliente, e identificar, priorizar y abordar los problemas percibidos. Nos permite establecer los lineamientos de oportunidades de mejora desde la perspectiva de los pacientes. (AU)

Introduction: the NPS (Net Promoter Score) is an indicator used in customer experience programs to measure the satisfaction of said target audience and their loyalty. Our purpose was to send the survey and consolidate the NPS for the first time in a high complexity prepaid hospital in Buenos Aires (PS-HIBA) in search of an objective indicator from the customer's perspective. Methods: an analytical, cross-sectional observational study was carried out. Data obtained from members' responses to the PS-HIBA were included in the study. Results: the first NPS indicator of PS-HIBA was consolidated: 22 points. The three customer profiles were displayed, obtaining 45.7% promoters, 22.3% detractors and 32% passive or neutral. Complementarily, the reasons for these qualifications were identified, being the three main ones: the problem of accessibility to medical appointments, the medical attention and the professionals valued positively. Conclusion: this study provides an objective indicator which facilitates a common language in the organization and a comparison with the market from the customer's point of view.The NPS as a system seeks to promote the construction of a customer-focused culture, in order to improve their loyalty and allow feedback. Thus, it is possible to keep the customer's voice in mind, identify, prioritize and address the perceived problems. It allows us to establish the guidelines for opportunities to improve from the patients' perspective. (AU)

Humans , Health Services Coverage , Patient Satisfaction , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Health Facilities, Proprietary , Argentina , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Benchmarking , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252949, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440791


As startups são empresas que apresentam modelos de negócios marcados pela inovação, rapidez, flexibilidade e alta capacidade de adaptação aos mercados. Atuando em diferentes setores socioeconômicos, elas prometem criar e transformar produtos e serviços. A emergência e disseminação dessas empresas ocorrem em um momento histórico de mudanças iniciadas a partir de 1970 e marcadas pelas crises geradas com o esgotamento do paradigma da sociedade urbano industrial. No Brasil, o número desse modelo de negócio apresentou uma expansão expressiva, alcançando a marca de 13.374 nos últimos cinco anos. Atento a esse cenário, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em compreender como sujeitos, grupos e instituições atribuem sentidos à experiência de trabalho nas chamadas startups. Na parte teórica, as condições sociais e econômicas que possibilitaram a emergência e disseminação das startups são analisadas em uma perspectiva crítica. A parte empírica, por sua vez, apresenta depoimentos de empreendedores relatando o contexto geral de atuação nas startups. Ao final deste artigo, conclui-se que há uma instrumentalização capitalística de componentes subjetivos específicos selecionados e colocados em circulação para fortalecer o modo de produção capitalista financeirizado.(AU)

Startups are companies that have business models characterized by innovation, speed, flexibility, and a high capacity to adapt to markets. Operating in different socioeconomic sectors, they promise to create and transform products and services. The emergence and dissemination of these companies occur at a historical moment of changes that began from 1970 and are marked by the crises generated by the exhaustion of the paradigm of industrial urban society. In Brazil, the number of businesses in this model showed a significant expansion, reaching 13,374 companies in the last five years. Attentive to this scenario, the objective of this research was to understand how subjects, groups, and institutions attribute meanings to the work experience in so-called startups. In the theoretical part, the social and economic conditions that enabled the emergence and dissemination of startups are analyzed in a critical perspective. The empirical part presents entrepreneurs reporting the general context of action in startups. At the end of this article, it is concluded that there is a capitalistic instrumentalization of specific subjective components that are selected and put into circulation to strengthen the financed capitalist production.(AU)

Las startups son empresas que tienen modelos de negocio marcados por la innovación, la velocidad, la flexibilidad y una alta capacidad de adaptación a los mercados. Desde diferentes sectores socioeconómicos, las startups prometen crear y transformar productos y servicios. La aparición y difusión de estas empresas se produce en un momento histórico de cambios que comenzó a partir de 1970 y que está marcado por crisis generadas por el agotamiento del paradigma de la sociedad urbana industrial. En Brasil, estas empresas se expandieron significativamente alcanzando la marca de 13.374 empresas en los últimos cinco años. En este escenario, el objetivo de esta investigación fue entender cómo los sujetos, grupos e instituciones atribuyen significados a la experiencia laboral en las startups. En la parte teórica, se analizan las condiciones sociales y económicas que permitieron el surgimiento y la difusión de las startups en una perspectiva crítica. La parte empírica presenta testimonios de emprendedores que informan sobre el trabajo en startups. La investigación concluye que hay una instrumentalización capitalista de componentes subjetivos específicos que se seleccionan y ponen en circulación para fortalecer el modo de producción capitalista financiero.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Psychology, Social , Work , Organizations , Capitalism , Organization and Administration , Organizational Innovation , Peer Group , Personality , Politics , Professional Corporations , Professional Practice , Psychology , Public Relations , Risk Management , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Social Adjustment , Social Change , Social Values , Technology , Thinking , Work Hours , Decision Making, Organizational , Competitive Bidding , Capital Financing , Artificial Intelligence , Consensus Development Conferences as Topic , Organizational Culture , Health , Administrative Personnel , Occupational Health , Planning Techniques , Adolescent , Entrepreneurship , Employment, Supported , Private Sector , Models, Organizational , Interview , Total Quality Management , Time Management , Efficiency, Organizational , Competitive Behavior , Natural Resources , Consumer Behavior , Contract Services , Benchmarking , Patent , Outsourced Services , Cultural Evolution , Marketing , Diffusion of Innovation , Economic Competition , Efficiency , Employment , Scientific and Educational Events , Products Commerce , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Agribusiness , Planning , High-Throughput Screening Assays , Small Business , Social Networking , Financial Management , Inventions , Crowdsourcing , Cloud Computing , Work-Life Balance , Stakeholder Participation , Sustainable Growth , Freedom , Big Data , Facilities and Services Utilization , e-Commerce , Blockchain , Universal Design , Augmented Reality , Intelligence , Investments , Mass Media , Occupations
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253403, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448955


O hospital constitui-se como um contexto em que a urgência subjetiva pode vir a se apresentar de forma frequente, instaurando, para cada sujeito, uma vivência de angústia. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar as possibilidades para uma clínica das urgências subjetivas no contexto de um hospital universitário em Salvador, considerando as vivências em uma residência multiprofissional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, em que se realizou revisão teórica sobre o tema e se construiu um caso clínico, sob orientação psicanalítica. A escolha do caso baseou-se na escuta clínica ao longo dos atendimentos e da atuação em equipe multiprofissional, considerando os impasses ao longo do tratamento. Foram utilizados registros documentais produzidos pela psicóloga residente ao longo dos atendimentos, que ocorreram durante três meses. Os resultados apontam para as contribuições da escuta psicanalítica no tratamento das urgências e na atuação em equipe multiprofissional no contexto hospitalar. A subjetivação da urgência permitiu, no caso em questão, um tratamento pela palavra do que havia incidido diretamente no corpo como fenômeno. Conclui-se pela relevância em discutir o tema da urgência e suscitar novas pesquisas, reintroduzindo no contexto hospitalar a questão sobre a subjetividade.(AU)

Hospitals are contexts in which subjective urgency can frequently materialize, triggering an experience of anguish for each subject. Hence, this research investigates the possibilities of establishing a subjective urgency clinic at a university hospital in Salvador, considering the experiences in a multidisciplinary residence. A qualitative, exploratory research was conducted by means of a theoretical review on the topic and construction of a clinical case, under psychoanalytical advisement. The case was chosen based on clinical listening during the sessions and performance in a multidisciplinary team, considering the obstacles for long-term treatment. Data were collected from documentary records produced by the resident psychologist during three months. Results point to the contributions of psychoanalytic listening to treating subjective urgencies and to the performance of a multidisciplinary team in the hospital context. In the case in question, subjectivation of urgency allowed a treatment through the word of affecting phenomenon. In conclusion, discussing urgency and conducting further research, are fundamental to reintroduce subjectivity in the hospital context.(AU)

El hospital es un contexto en el que frecuentemente se puede percibir una urgencia subjetiva, estableciendo una experiencia de angustia para cada sujeto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar las posibilidades de una clínica de urgencia subjetiva en el contexto de un hospital universitario en Salvador (Brasil), considerando las experiencias en una Residencia Multiprofesional. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, de carácter exploratorio, en la que se realizó una revisión teórica sobre el tema y construcción de un caso clínico, con orientación psicoanalítica. La elección del caso se basó en la escucha clínica a lo largo de las sesiones y actuación en un equipo multidisciplinar, considerando los impasses para el tratamiento a largo plazo. Se utilizaron registros documentales elaborados por el psicólogo residente, durante las atenciones, que se realizaron durante tres meses. Los resultados apuntan a las contribuciones de la escucha psicoanalítica en el tratamiento de urgencias y en la actuación de un equipo multidisciplinario en el contexto hospitalario. La subjetivación de la urgencia permitió, en el caso en cuestión, un tratamiento a través de la palabra de lo que había afectado directamente al cuerpo como fenómeno. Se concluye que es relevante discutir el tema de la urgencia y plantear nuevas investigaciones, reintroduciendo el tema de la subjetividad en el contexto hospitalario.(AU)

Humans , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Psychoanalysis , Emergencies , Hospitals, University , Anxiety , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Pain , Parapsychology , Patient Discharge , Primary Health Care , Psychiatry , Psychology , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Religion , Safety , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Teaching , Therapeutics , Universities , Wounds and Injuries , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Unified Health System , Patients' Rooms , Health Infrastructure , Case Reports , Bereavement , Family , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Laboratory and Fieldwork Analytical Methods , Mental Health , Disease , Liability, Legal , Treatment Refusal , Occupational Therapy , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Long-Term Care , Comprehensive Health Care , Life , Benchmarking , Critical Care , Personal Autonomy , Patient Rights , Death , Delivery of Health Care , Information Dissemination , Qualitative Research , After-Hours Care , Diagnosis , Education, Medical, Continuing , Emotions , Empathy , Academic Medical Centers , Publications for Science Diffusion , Disease Prevention , Humanization of Assistance , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Electronic Health Records , Health Communication , Early Medical Intervention , Financial Management , Neurological Rehabilitation , Psychological Trauma , Mentoring , Universalization of Health , Psychological Distress , Patient Care , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Health Planning , Health Planning Guidelines , Health Policy , Hospital Administration , Hospitalization , Hospitals, Teaching , Human Rights , Accounting , Learning , Length of Stay , Life Change Events , Medical Assistance , Memory , Nursing Care
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e278861, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529216


O objetivo do presente manuscrito é caracterizar e descrever os fluxos do Sistema de Avaliação de Práticas Psicológicas Aluízio Lopes de Brito (SAPP), dispositivo instituído no âmbito do Sistema Conselhos de Psicologia e regulamentado pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia através da Resolução CFP nº 15, de 18 de agosto de 2023. O SAPP surge da necessidade premente de orientação e qualificação profissionais frente às práticas emergentes que produzem o saber/ fazer da psicologia. Nesse sentido, trata-se de processo que busca orientar, qualificar e fazer conhecer práticas que sejam compatíveis ou não com o exercício profissional em psicologia. Com o trabalho realizado no SAPP serão produzidos pareceres que contribuirão minimamente para o conhecimento das fronteiras que delimitam os campos da psicologia e, por excelência, conheceremos melhor nossas próprias formas de atuação. Através da consideração do trinômio teoria-prática-ética, o CFP espera com o SAPP abrir diálogos com grupos, práticas e saberes fronteiriços e constantemente relegados pela psicologia hegemônica. Para tanto, parte do pressuposto de que os saberes e fazeres destas populações podem refinar as teorias psicológicas e fazer a psicologia avançar como ciência e profissão.(AU)

This manuscript aims to characterize and describe the flows of the Aluízio Lopes de Brito Psychological Practices Assessment System (SAPP), an instrument established within the framework of the Psychology Council System and regulated by the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP) with Resolution CFP No. 15, of August 18, 2023. The SAPP arises from the pressing need for professional guidance and qualification in the face of emerging practices that shape the knowledge/practice of psychology. In this sense, it is a process that seeks to guide, qualify, and make known practices that are compatible or not with the professional practice of psychology. The work carried out in the SAPP will produce opinions that will contribute minimally to the understanding of the boundaries that delimit the fields of psychology and, by excellence, we will better understand our own modes of operation. Considering the trinity of theory-practice-ethics, the CFP hopes with the SAPP to open dialogues with groups, practices, and knowledge that are in the borders and are constantly relegated by hegemonic psychology. To this end, it assumes that the knowledge and practices of these populations can refine psychological theories and advance psychology as a science and profession.(AU)

El objetivo de este manuscrito es caracterizar y describir los flujos del Sistema de Evaluación de Prácticas Psicológicas Aluízio Lopes de Brito (SAPP), un dispositivo establecido en el marco del Sistema de Consejos de Psicología y regulado por el Consejo Federal de Psicología a través de la Resolución CFP n.º 15, con fecha del 18 de agosto de 2023. El SAPP surge de la necesidad apremiante de orientación y calificación profesional frente a las prácticas emergentes que configuran el conocimiento y las habilidades de la psicología. En este sentido, es un proceso que busca orientar, calificar y dar a conocer prácticas que sean compatibles o no con el ejercicio profesional de la psicología. El trabajo realizado en el SAPP generará opiniones que contribuirán mínimamente a la comprensión de los límites que delimitan los campos de la psicología y, por excelencia, comprender mejor nuestras propias formas de actuación. A través de la consideración de la tríada teoría-práctica-ética, el CFP espera que con el SAPP puede llevar a cabo el diálogo con grupos, prácticas y conocimientos fronterizos y constantemente pasados por alto por la psicología hegemónica. Con este fin, se asume que los conocimientos y prácticas de estas poblaciones pueden refinar las teorías psicológicas y hacer avanzar la psicología como ciencia y profesión.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Psychological Techniques , Health Research Evaluation , Organizational Innovation , Art Therapy , Psychology, Social , Social Justice , Sociology , Technology , Therapeutics , Violence , Complementary Therapies , Acupuncture Therapy , Mental Health , Color Therapy , Health Personnel , Cultural Diversity , Aromatherapy , Benchmarking , Creativity , Credentialing , Disaster Vulnerability , Culture , Sensory Art Therapies , Spiritual Therapies , Personal Autonomy , Dance Therapy , Dancing , Democracy , Codes of Ethics , Auriculotherapy , Social Marginalization , Pragmatic Clinical Trials as Topic , Gene Ontology , Peer Influence , Conservative Treatment , Psychosocial Intervention , Holistic Health , Human Rights , Institutional Practice , Job Description , Learning , Malpractice , Anthroposophy , Music Therapy
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences ; (12): 490-500, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981079


OBJECTIVE@#The study aimed to estimate the benchmark dose (BMD) of coke oven emissions (COEs) exposure based on mitochondrial damage with the mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtDNAcn) as a biomarker.@*METHODS@#A total of 782 subjects were recruited, including 238 controls and 544 exposed workers. The mtDNAcn of peripheral leukocytes was detected through the real-time fluorescence-based quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Three BMD approaches were used to calculate the BMD of COEs exposure based on the mitochondrial damage and its 95% confidence lower limit (BMDL).@*RESULTS@#The mtDNAcn of the exposure group was lower than that of the control group (0.60 ± 0.29 vs. 1.03 ± 0.31; P < 0.001). A dose-response relationship was shown between the mtDNAcn damage and COEs. Using the Benchmark Dose Software, the occupational exposure limits (OELs) for COEs exposure in males was 0.00190 mg/m 3. The OELs for COEs exposure using the BBMD were 0.00170 mg/m 3 for the total population, 0.00158 mg/m 3 for males, and 0.00174 mg/m 3 for females. In possible risk obtained from animal studies (PROAST), the OELs of the total population, males, and females were 0.00184, 0.00178, and 0.00192 mg/m 3, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#Based on our conservative estimate, the BMDL of mitochondrial damage caused by COEs is 0.002 mg/m 3. This value will provide a benchmark for determining possible OELs.

Male , Female , Animals , Coke , Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons , DNA Copy Number Variations , Benchmarking , Occupational Exposure/analysis , DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics , DNA Damage
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 562-566, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985809


Pancreatic surgery is the most complex type of abdominal surgery,with high technical requirements and long learning curve,and the quality of surgery is directly related to the prognosis of the patients. In recent years,more and more indicators have been used to evaluate the quality of pancreatic surgery,such as operation time,intraoperative blood loss,morbidity,mortality, prognosis and so on,and different evaluation systems have been established,including benchmarking,auditing,outcome evaluation based on risk factor adjustment and textbook outcomes. Among them,the benchmark is the most widely used to evaluate surgical quality and is expected to become the standard for comparison among peers. This article reviews existing quality evaluation indicators and benchmarks for pancreatic surgery and anticipates its future application prospects.

Humans , Benchmarking , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Blood Loss, Surgical , Risk Factors
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases ; (12): 198-203, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970737


Objective: To analyze correlation of occupational hydrogen fluoride exposure to low doses of bone metabolism index through occupational epidemiological investigation and benchmark dose calculation. Methods: In May 2021, using cluster sampling method, 237 workers exposed to hydrogen fluoride in a company were selected as the contact group, and 83 workers not exposed to hydrogen fluoride in an electronics production company were selected as the control group. The external exposure dose and urinary fluoride concentration, blood and urine biochemical indicators of the workers was measured.The relationship between external dose and internal dose of hydrogen fluoride was analyzed. The external dose, urinary fluoride was used as exposure biomarkers, while serum osteocalcin (BGP), serum alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and urinary hydroxyproline (HYP) were used as effect biomarkers for bone metabolism of hydrogen fluoride exposure. The benchmark dose calculation software (BMDS1.3.2) was used to calculate benchmark dose (BMD) . Results: Urine fluoride concentration in the contact group was correlated with creatinine-adjusted urine fluoride concentration (r=0.69, P=0.001). There was no significant correlation between the external dose of hydrogen fluoride and urine fluoride in the contact group (r=0.03, P=0.132). The concentrations of urine fluoride in the contact group and the control group were (0.81±0.61) and (0.45±0.14) mg/L, respectively, and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (t=5.01, P=0.025). Using BGP, AKP and HYP as effect indexes, the urinary BMDL-05 values were 1.28, 1.47 and 1.08 mg/L, respectively. Conclusion: Urinary fluoride can sensitively reflect the changes in the effect indexes of biochemical indexes of bone metabolism. BGP and HYP can be used as early sensitive effect indexes of occupational hydrogen fluoride exposure.

Humans , Fluorides/adverse effects , Hydrofluoric Acid , Benchmarking , Biomarkers , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 382-389, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970475


We prepared 15 batches of Kaixin Powder benchmark samples with the decoction pieces of different batches. Further, we established the specific chromatograms and index component content determination method of Kaixin Powder benchmark samples and analyzed the peaks and similarity of the chromatograms. With sibiricose A5, sibiricose A6, polygalaxanthone Ⅲ, 3,6'-disinapoyl sucrose, ginsenoside Rb_1, β-asarone, α-asarone, and dehydropachymic acid as index components, the index component content determination method was established and 70%-130% of the mean content of each component was set as the range. The chromatograms of 15 batches of Kaixin Powder benchmark samples had a total of 22 characteristic peaks, among which 8 peaks were identified, which represented sibiricose A5, sibiricose A6, polygalaxanthone Ⅲ, 3,6'-disinapoyl sucrose, ginsenoside Rb_1, β-asarone, α-asarone, and dehydropachymic acid, respectively. The chromatograms shared the similarity of 0.992-0.999. The 15 batches of benchmark samples had sibiricose A5 of 0.34-0.55 mg·g~(-1), sibiricose A6 of 0.43-0.57 mg·g~(-1), polygalaxanthone Ⅲ of 0.12-0.19 mg·g~(-1), 3,6'-disinapoyl sucrose of 1.08-1.78 mg·g~(-1), ginsenoside Rb_1 of 0.33-0.62 mg·g~(-1), β-asarone of 2.34-3.72 mg·g~(-1), α-asarone of 0.11-0.22 mg·g~(-1), and dehydropachymic acid of 0.053-0.079 mg·g~(-1). This study established the specific chromatograms and index component content determination method of Kaixin Powder benchmark samples, and the method was simple, feasible, reproducible, and stable. This study provides a scientific basis for further research on the key chemical properties of the benchmark samples and preparations of Kaixin Powder.

Powders , Ginsenosides , Benchmarking , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Sucrose , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 30(4): 123-131, Oct 3, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1436032


Introducción: las infecciones asociadas a la atención de salud (IAAS) representan una problemática adicional a las condiciones clínicas que llevan a la persona a hospitalizarse ya que se incrementan las complicaciones. Objetivo: analizar el perfil epidemiológico de las IAAS de los pacientes atendidos en la Clínica Hospital Dr. Ismael Vázquez Ortiz de Querétaro, México. Metodología: estudio transversal, que consideró 571 registros con IAAS del periodo 2015 a 2019. Se elaboró tabla de supervivencia a intervalos de 7 días, se comparó promedio de días de estancia intrahospitalaria a partir del resultado de Gram en el cultivo. Se empleó un modelo de regresión de Cox para control de factores de confusión. Resultados: la mediana de estancia intrahospitalaria en pacientes con IAAS fue 13 días siendo la infección más frecuente la de sitio quirúrgico. Los 3 principales patógenos encontrados fueron Escherichia coli (24.3%), Pseudomona aeruginosa (11.2%) y Staphylococcus aureus (9.8%). Conclusiones: los días de estancia intrahospitalaria y los principales patógenos causantes de IAAS son similares a lo reportado en la literatura internacional; existen diferencias por tipo de infección nosocomial aunque esto podría deberse a la mayor proporción de adultos mayores que son atendidos en el Hospital Dr. Ismael Vázquez Ortiz de Querétaro.

Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) represent an additional problem to the clinical conditions that lead to hospitalization since complications are increased. Objective: To analyze the epidemiological profile of HAIs in patients treated at the Dr. Ismael Vázquez Ortiz Hospital Clinic in Querétaro, Mexico. Methodology: Cross-sectional study, which considered 571 records with HAIs from 2015 to 2019. Survival table was elaborated at 7-day intervals, the average number of days of in-hospital stay was compared based on the Gram result in the culture. A Cox regression model was used to control for confounding factors. Results: The median in-hospital stay in patients with HAIs was 13 days, the most frequent infection being surgical site infection. The 3 main pathogens found were E scherichia coli (24.3%), Pseudomona aeruginosa (11.2%) and Staphylococcus aureus (9.8%). Conclusions: In-hospital days of stay and the main pathogens causing HAIs are similar to those reported in the international literature; there are differences by type of nosocomial infection, although this could be due to the higher proportion of older adults treated at the Dr. Ismael Vázquez Ortiz Hospital in Querétaro.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Profile , Hospital Care , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Mortality , Benchmarking , Economics, Hospital , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 13(2): 122-138, jul./dez. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1378944


O estudo apresenta os tamanhos do efeito, seus intervalos de confiança, classificações e visualizações para a atualização normativa de 2018 do Teste não verbal de Inteligência R-1, visto que as diferenças estatisticamente calculadas com base no valor p oferecerem evidências tênues contra a hipótese nula e, por isso, não servem como uma prova da significância clínica. Utilizou-se a amostra normativa do instrumento, composta por 5.595 adultos, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 18 e 65 anos, provenientes das cinco regiões geográficas brasileiras e subdivididos pelos níveis de ensino fundamental, médio e superior. Os resultados apontaram tamanhos do efeito entre médios e grandes na comparação entre os níveis de ensino fundamental e médio; grande a muito grande na relação entre o ensino fundamental e o superior e; pequenos a médios entre os níveis médio e superior de ensino. Concluiu-se que as diferenças estatisticamente observadas, por meio das análises de variância e pos-hoc de Tukey refletem um efeito real quando se considera o impacto da variável nível de escolaridade no desempenho do teste. Entendeu-se que os estudos normativos do instrumento refletem um impacto real quando se considera a variável em estudo, devendo incluir o tamanho do efeito e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança.

The study presents the effect sizes, their confidence intervals, ratings, and visualizations for the 2018 normative update of the R-1 Nonverbal Intelligence Test, since the statistically calculated differences based on the p-value offer tenuous evidence against the null hypothesis and do not serve as a proof of clinical significance. We used the normative sample of the instrument, consisting of 5,595 adults of both sexes, aged 18 to 65 years, from the five Brazilian geographic regions and subdivided by elementary, middle, and high school levels. The results showed medium to large effect sizes in the comparison between elementary and high school levels; large to very large in the relation between elementary and high school; and small to medium effect sizes between high school and high school levels. It was concluded that the statistically observed differences, by means of variance and Tukey's post-hoc analyses reflect a real effect when considering the impact of the education level variable on test performance. It was understood that normative studies of the instrument reflect a real impact when considering the variable under study, and should include the effect size and their respective confidence intervals.

Intelligence Tests , Benchmarking , Academic Performance
Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(3): 402-408, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388020


Abstract Objective The present study aimed to compare the effects of intraarticular infiltration of platelet-rich plasma with those of hyaluronic acid infiltration in the treatment of patients with primary knee osteoarthritis. Methods A randomized clinical trial was conducted with 29 patients who received an intraarticular infiltration with hyaluronic acid (control group) or platelet-rich plasma. Clinical outcomes were assessed using the visual analog scale for pain and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaire before and after the intervention. In addition, the posttreatment adverse effects were recorded. Categorical variables were analyzed using the chi-square and Fisher exact tests, whereas continuous variables were analyzed using the Student t test, analysis of variance, and the Wilcoxon test; all calculations were performed with the Stats package of the R software. Results An independent analysis of each group revealed a statistical difference within the first months, with improvement in the pain and function scores, but worsening on the 6th month after the procedure. There was no difference in the outcomes between the groups receiving hyaluronic acid or platelet-rich plasma. There was no serious adverse effect or allergic reaction during the entire follow-up period. Conclusion Intraarticular infiltration with hyaluronic acid or platelet-rich plasma in patients with primary knee gonarthrosis resulted in temporary improvement of functional symptoms and pain. There was no difference between interventions.

Resumo Objetivo Comparar o efeito da infiltração intraarticular do plasma rico em plaqueta com a do ácido hialurônico no tratamento de pacientes com osteoartrose primária de joelho. Métodos Realizou-se um ensaio clínico randomizado com 29 pacientes, sendo um grupo submetido à infiltração com ácido hialurônico (controle) e o outro com plasma rico em plaquetas. Os desfechos clínicos avaliados foram a escala visual analógica da dor; o questionário Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC), antes e depois da intervenção; e os efeitos adversos após as aplicações. Utilizou-se os testes do qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher para as variáveis categóricas, e o teste t de Student, análise de variância, e Wilcoxon para as variáveis contínuas, através do software R. Resultados A análise independente de cada grupo revelou uma diferença estatística nos meses iniciais, com melhora dos escores de dor e função; porém, com piora no 6° mês após o procedimento. Não houve diferença dos desfechos avaliados entre os grupos que foram submetidos à infiltração com ácido hialurônico ou com plasma rico em plaquetas. Não houve efeito adverso grave ou reação alérgica durante todo o seguimento. Conclusão A infiltração intraarticular com ácido hialurônico ou plasma rico em plaquetas nos joelhos dos pacientes com gonartrose primária apresentou melhora temporária dos sintomas de função e dor. Não houve diferença entre as duas intervenções.

Humans , Osteoarthritis/therapy , Benchmarking , Platelet-Rich Plasma/drug effects , Hyaluronic Acid/therapeutic use , Anesthesia, Local , Knee/pathology
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 42(1): 56-58, mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1369565


En el artículo anterior se introdujo el tema y se desarrolló cómo es la recolección y análisis de datos, la selección y entrenamiento de modelos de aprendizaje automático supervisados y los métodos de validación interna que permiten corroborar si el modelo arroja resultados similares a los de otros conjuntos de entrenamiento y de prueba. En este artículo continuaremos con la descripción de la evaluación del rendimiento, la selección del modelo más adecuado para identificar la característica que se va a evaluar y la validación externa del modelo. Además, el artículo resume los desafíos existentes en la implementación del Machine Learning desde la investigación al uso clínico. (AU)

In the previous article, we introduced topics such as data collection and analysis, selection and training of supervised machine learning models and methods of internal validation that allow to corroborate whether the model yields similar results to other training and test sets.In this article, we will continue with the description of the performance evaluation, selecting the most appropriate model to identify the characteristic to evaluate and the external validation of the model. In addition, the article summarizes the actual challenges in the implementation of machine learning from research to clinical use. (AU)

Humans , Models, Educational , Benchmarking/methods , Machine Learning , Biomedical Technology/methods , Health Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Management
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 56(2): 309-323, mar.-abr. 2022. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376366


Resumo Apesar de lançado em 2011, o título de impacto social (SIB, na sigla em inglês social impact bonds) é um instrumento ainda em desenvolvimento e que encontra inúmeros desafios. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar características dos SIBs e desafios relativos à sua implementação como mecanismo para financiamento de projetos públicos com propósito social. Após revisão bibliográfica e documental, foram identificadas e apresentadas as principais críticas ao modelo. Três casos internacionais de SIBs que já encerraram seus ciclos de maturidade foram selecionados para a análise de aspectos éticos e metodológicos, de métricas, de resultados e de atores. Implicações para projetos no Brasil foram consideradas com base nas análises dos casos internacionais.

Resumen A pesar de haber sido lanzado en 2011, el contrato de impacto social (SIB, acrónimo del término inglés social impact bond) es un instrumento inmaduro que enfrenta numerosos desafíos. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar las características de los SIB y los desafíos relativos a su implementación como mecanismos para financiar proyectos públicos con propósito social. Después de la revisión bibliográfica y documental, se identificaron y presentaron las principales críticas al modelo. Se seleccionaron tres casos internacionales de SIB que ya completaron sus ciclos de madurez para el análisis de aspectos éticos, metodológicos, de métricas de resultados y de actores. Las implicaciones para proyectos en Brasil se consideraron a partir del análisis de estos casos internacionales.

Abstract Despite being launched in 2011, the social impact bond (SIB) is an instrument under development that faces numerous challenges. This article presents the characteristics of SIBs and challenges related to their implementation as mechanisms to finance public projects with a social purpose. After a bibliographical and documentary review, three international cases of SIBs that have completed their maturity cycles, relevant for critical analysis of possible projects in Brazil, were selected. Ethical, methodological, metrics, results, and actor networks are analyzed in the three SIBs. Implications for projects in Brazil were considered from the analysis of these international cases.

Public Policy , Social Change , Capital Financing , Benchmarking
Femina ; 50(6): 360-366, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380718


Objetivo: Analisar se boas práticas de atenção ao parto estão sendo executadas e quais necessitam ser aperfeiçoadas no Hospital Materno Infantil Nossa Senhora de Nazaré (HMINSN), em Boa Vista-RR. Métodos: Foram registrados os partos normais de setembro de 2019 a março de 2020, pela equipe administrativa do hospital, na base de dados do Apice On. Nove recomendações de boas práticas da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) foram avaliadas e comparadas com outros serviços do País. Resultados: Observou-se que, em comparação com outros serviços do Brasil, entre as nove práticas analisadas, quatro apresentaram melhor resultado no HMINSN, com alta proporção de acompanhantes (90,1%), aplicação de ocitocina no terceiro período (98,7%), amamentação na primeira hora pós-parto (81,5%) e baixo número de episiotomia (8,8%). Além disso, atingiu metas do Apice On em quatro boas práticas, que são a presença de acompanhante (meta: acima de 90%), a aplicação de ocitocina no terceiro período (meta: acima de 90%), o clampeamento tardio do cordão umbilical (meta: acima de 90%) e a episiotomia (meta: abaixo de 10%). Conclusão: Este estudo identificou que é preciso melhorar as taxas de prescrição de dieta livre e o contato pele a pele na primeira hora pós-parto. De modo geral, o HMINSN tem apresentado bons indicadores em relação a outros serviços do País e vem buscando aprimorar a organização da equipe e do serviço para que todas as recomendações da OMS sejam efetivamente praticadas.(AU)

Objective: Analyze whether good practices for child care are being carried out and which need to be improved at the Hospital Materno Infantil Nossa Senhora de Nazaré (HMINSN), in Boa Vista-RR. Methods: Normal deliveries from September 2019 to March 2020 were recorded by the hospital's administrative staff in the Apice On database. Nine recommendations of World Health Organization (WHO) good practices were evaluated and compared with other services in the country. Results: It was observed, in comparison with other services in Brazil, among the nine practices analyzed, four of them had better results at HMINSN, with a high proportion of companions (90.1%), application of oxytocin in the third period (98.7 %), breastfeeding in the first hour postpartum (81.5%) and low number of episiotomy (8.8%). In addition, it reached Apice On targets in four good practices, which are the presence of a companion (target: above 90%), the application of oxytocin in the third period (target: above 90%), the late clamping of the umbilical cord (target: above 90%) and episiotomy (target: below 10%). Conclusion: This study identified that it is necessary to improve the prescription rates of free diet and skin-to-skin contact, in the first postpartum hour. In general, HMINSN has presented good indicators in relation to other services in the country and has been seeking to improve the organization of the team and the service, so that all WHO recommendations are effectively practiced.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Maternal and Child Health , Women's Health , Benchmarking , Humanizing Delivery , Delivery, Obstetric , World Health Organization , Brazil/epidemiology , Breast Feeding , Oxytocin , Cesarean Section , Cross-Sectional Studies , Databases, Bibliographic , Patient Rights , Labor Pain/therapy , Diet , Episiotomy , Patient Positioning , Umbilical Cord Clamping
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 2099-2108, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928150


According to the polarity of different components in Sanpian Decoction, two fingerprints were established. Then the substance benchmark freeze-dried powder of 15 batches of Sanpian Decoction was prepared, followed by the determination of the fingerprints, index component content, and dry extract rates, the identification of attribution of characteristic peaks, and the calculation of similarities between these fingerprints and the reference(R), the content and transfer rate ranges of ferulic acid, sinapine thiocyanate, liquiritin, and glycyrrhizic acid, and the dry extract rate range. The results showed that the similarities of 15 batches of the substance benchmark fingerprints with R were all greater than 0.900.Further summarization of the characteristic peaks revealed that there were a total of 20 characteristic peaks in fingerprint 1, among which, eight were from Sinapis Semen, four from Paeoniae Radix Alba, six from Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and two from Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma. A total of 16 characteristic peaks were observed in fingerprint 2, including one from Sinapis Semen, three from Paeoniae Radix Alba, eight from Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and four from Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma. The average dry extract rate of 15 batches of substance benchmarks was 18.25%, with a dry extract rate range of 16.28%-20.76%. The index component content and transfer rate ranges were listed as follows: 0.15%-0.18% and 38.81%-58.05% for ferulic acid; 0.26%-0.42% and 36.51%-51.02% for sinapine thiocyanate; 0.09%-0.15% and 48.80%-76.61% for liquiritin; 0.13%-0.24% and 23.45%-35.61% for glycyrrhizic acid. The fingerprint, dry extract rate, and index component content determination was combined for analyzing the quality value transfer of substance benchmarks in the classic prescription Sanpian Decoction.The established quality evaluation method for the substance benchmarks was stable and feasible, which has provided a basis for the quality control of Sanpian Decoction and the follow-up development of related preparations.

Benchmarking , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Glycyrrhizic Acid/analysis , Paeonia , Quality Control , Thiocyanates
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 2090-2098, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928149


The methods for determining the characteristic chromatogram and index components content of Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction were established to provide a scientific basis for the quality evaluation of substance benchmarks and preparations. Eighteen batches of Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction were prepared with the decoction pieces of different batches and of the same batch were prepared respectively, and the HPLC characteristic chromatograms of these samples were established. The similarities of the chromatographic fingerprints were analyzed. With liquiritin, glycyrrhizic acid, 6-gingerol, ginsenoside Rg_1, and ginsenoside Re as index components, the high performance liquid chromatography was established for content determination with no more than 70%-130% of the mass average as the limit. The results showed that there were 19 characteristic peaks corresponding to the characteristic chromatograms of 18 batches of Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction, including 8 peaks representing liquiritin, 1,5-O-dicaffeoylqunic acid, ginsenoside Rg_1, ginsenoside Re, 1-O-acetyl britannilactone, ginsenoside Rb_1, glycyrrhizic acid, and 6-gingerol, and the fingerprint similarity was greater than 0.97. The contents of liquiritin, glycyrrhizic acid, 6-gingerol, and ginsenosides Rg_1 + Re in the prepared Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction samples were 0.53%-0.86%, 0.61%-1.2%, 0.023%-0.068%, and 0.33%-0.66%, respectively. Except for several batches, most batches of Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction showed stable contents of index components, with no discrete values. The characteristic chromatograms and index components content characterized the information of Inulae Flos, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, and Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens in Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction. This study provides a scientific basis for the further research on the key chemical properties of substance benchmark and preparations of Xuanfu Daizhe Decoction.

Benchmarking , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Ginsenosides/analysis , Glycyrrhizic Acid/analysis , Quality Control
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 2430-2439, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928122


A total of 15 batches of the substance reference of Guizhi Jia Gegen Decoction(GZGGD) were prepared and the characteristic fingerprints of them were established. Furthermore, the similarity of the fingerprints and peak attributes were explored. The extraction rate, and the content and the transfer rate ranges of the index components, puerarin, paeoniflorin, liquiritin, and ammonium glycyrrhizate were determined for the analysis of the quality value transfer. The result demonstrated that the fingerprints of the 15 batches of the samples showed high similarity(>0.99). A total of 15 characteristic peaks were identified from the fingerprints, with 10 for Puerariae Lobatae Radix, 1 for Cinnamomi Ramulus, 2 for Paeoniae Radix Alba, and 2 for Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma. The content of puerarin was 11.05-18.35 mg·g~(-1) and the average transfer rate was 21.27%-39.49%. The corresponding figures were 7.95-10.90 mg·g~(-1) and 23.28%-43.23% for paeoniflorin, 3.25-4.95 mg·g~(-1) and 32.31%-61.27% for ammonium glycyrrhizate, and 3.65-5.80 mg·g~(-1) and 14.57%-27.05% for liquiritin. The extraction rate of the 15 batches of samples was in the range of 16.85%-21.78%. In this paper, the quality value transfer of the substance reference of GZGGD was analyzed based on characteristic fingerprint, content of index components, and the extraction rate. This study is expected to lay a basis for the quality control and further development of GZGGD.

Ammonium Compounds , Benchmarking , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Paeonia
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 938-950, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928012


Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-electrostatic field Orbitrap mass spectrometry(UHPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap MS/MS) was used for rapid identification of the chemical components in Kaixin San substance benchmark. The gradient elution was performed through a Waters ACQUITY~(TM) BEH C_(18) column(2.1 mm×150 mm, 1.7 μm) with water-acetonitrile as mobile phase, a column temperature of 30 ℃, a flow rate of 0.3 mL·min~(-1), and a sample size of 1 μL. The scanning was performed in the negative ion mode. The complex component groups in Kaixin San substance benchmark were quickly and accurately identified and clearly assigned based on the comparison of the retention time and MS data with those of the reference substance as well as the relative molecular weight of the same or similar components in the mass spectrum database and literature. A total of 77 compounds were identified, including 26 saponins, 13 triterpenoid acids, 20 oligosaccharide esters, 5 xanthones, and 13 other compounds. The qualitative method established in this study can systematically, accurately, and quickly identify the chemical components in Kaixin San substance benchmark, which can provide a basis for the further analysis of its active components in vivo and the establishment of its quality control system.

Benchmarking , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/methods
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 123-127, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935360


HIV transmission network analysis plays a significant role in the precise prevention and control of AIDS. The current studies inferred the HIV transmission networks mainly based on the social network methods and molecular network methods and interpret the structural characteristics using individual-level and network-level metrics. To provide references for further researches, we summarized the principles, advantages or disadvantages, and application of HIV transmission network analysis methods and metrics in this paper.

Humans , Benchmarking , HIV Infections